Partnerships & Integrations
Company | What they do | What we'll do together |
KaratDAO | Indexing wallets for targeted airdrop campaigns | Target airdrops based on Ideamarket ratings ("Airdrop my NFT to everyone who rated [post] above [90] before [date]") | | Reputation scoring and profiles for DAO members | Display Ideamarket ratings on Showkarma reputation profiles, so you can see what DAO members believe |
SciDAO | DeSci DAO | SciDAO can experiment with using Ideamarket as the peer review layer of their Article NFTs | | Search engine for scientific evidence | TBD. Possibly: Give a group of scientists an NFT, then do prediction markets based on their collective ratings: “[Post] will be rated above [number] by ScienceNFT holders at [date]" |
RoamResearch | Personal knowledge graph | TBD |
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